Wednesday, 13th May 2015, 7.15pm - NSK Offices, Northern Road NG24 2JF - Annual General Meeting, followed by "Bauxite Residue (Red Mud) Disposal from Alumina Refining" – Lloyd Holliday

There are vacancies on the Council for members to stand for election for three years – two people are retiring by rotation and standing for re-election, with a further two vacancies available.  If you are interested and would like further information, please contact the Secretary.  Nominations from younger and female members are particularly encouraged, as these groups are under-represented at present.

Following the AGM Lloyd Holliday will speak.  Red mud or red sludge is a waste product generated in the industrial production of aluminium. With about 77 million tons of this hazardous material produced annually, red mud is one of the most important disposal problems in the mining industry.