Wednesday, 7th October 2015, 7.30pm - NSK Offices, Northern Road NG24 2JF - "Kevlar and the world of Technical Textiles" – George Wright, M Wright & Sons Ltd

M Wright & Sons Ltd are a long established family owned technical textile weaver. The business has faced many evolutions over time, necessitating the continual drive to innovate and develop higher value specialist products and end-uses.
They characterise themselves as making products that other people don't want to or can't make. Their recent commercial strength has been in specialist aeroengine containment systems and performance fall arrest components. Their next evolution is developing complex carbon fibre preforms for infused parts in lightweight composite structures.

Wednesday, 16th September 2015, 7.30pm - Visit – Abbott & Co Boiler Works, Northern Road, Newark NG24 2EJ

Abbott & Co ( ) have been designing and building Pressure Vessels for over 140 years and continue to supply standard Air Receivers and special Pressure vessels to some of the worlds most prestigious companies. They can design and manufacture from receipt of basic instruction – with ISO9001 and PED approval for a broad range of pressure vessels.

We will be given a tour of the works to see works in progress, and be told about the company history and the modern day design, construction and certification processes.

Wednesday, 13th May 2015, 7.15pm - NSK Offices, Northern Road NG24 2JF - Annual General Meeting, followed by "Bauxite Residue (Red Mud) Disposal from Alumina Refining" – Lloyd Holliday

There are vacancies on the Council for members to stand for election for three years – two people are retiring by rotation and standing for re-election, with a further two vacancies available.  If you are interested and would like further information, please contact the Secretary.  Nominations from younger and female members are particularly encouraged, as these groups are under-represented at present.

Following the AGM Lloyd Holliday will speak.  Red mud or red sludge is a waste product generated in the industrial production of aluminium. With about 77 million tons of this hazardous material produced annually, red mud is one of the most important disposal problems in the mining industry.

Wednesday, 1st April 2015, 7.30pm - NSK Offices, Northern Road NG24 2JF - “The Rise, Fall and Rise Again of the Cardington Airships” – David Fowler

David Fowler is a Bedford Tour Guide, Local Historian and Past President of the Bedford Civil Engineering Society. Amongst his many interests, the Bedford to Milton Keynes Waterway Park occupies any spare time he may have! He has had TV appearances talking about Glenn Miller and thinks there is a plausible explanation for his disappearance.
David’s presentation will look at the origins of Airship Flight, WW1, the R101 and the modern Airlander.