Wednesday, 5th February 2014, 7.30pm - Joint meeting with Newark Archaeological and Local History Society - ‘Chesters’, Main Street, Balderton NG24 3LL - “Using laser scanning and radar to search for Newark's Hidden Heritage” - Anne Coyne – Newark Hidden Heritage Group, and Gareth Davies – Trent & Peak Archaeology

During 2013, investigations have been taking place into tales of underground voids and structures beneath Newark.  Desk-based assessments have been supplemented by Ground Penetrating Radar survey and laser scanning. Surveys have yielded some very interesting results.  TPA have continued to work with the Newark Town Centre Hidden Heritage Group on a series of public engagement initiatives, including tours of some of the market place cellars, and filming for BBC’s Inside Out (due for broadcast in January 2014).  The presentation will focus on the technologies used as well as interpretation of results.