Wednesday 5th October 2016 – 7.30pm - Visit to Kirton Brickworks, Station Road, Kirton, Newark NG22 9LG – Forterra

Forterra is one of the leading manufacturers of building products for the UK’s construction industry. They provide the materials for life’s essential structures, helping their customers build with ease and confidence.

The brickworks at Kirton was opened by the Butterley Company in 1955, and has subsequently been in continuous operation, transferring to Hanson Building Products in 1989, now owned by Forterra.  The quarry site currently spans, with the extraction and transport of over 170,000 tonnes of clay per year.

This visit has a maximum of 12 visitors, on a first come first served basis.  Sturdy footwear will be essential, and hard hat / hi-viz vest if you have them.

Thursday 8th September 2016, 7.30pm - “Newark Waste and Water Improvement Project” – Severn Trent Water – NSK, Northern Road

The team behind the major investment in Newark’s sewerage systems will present the background to, and progress of, the project, which will protect 1,000 customers from sewer flooding, with storage capacity equivalent to 14 Olympic swimming pools being provided for during severe rainfall.

A new trunk water main will provide potable water to Newark with the capacity to support the 45% increase in population predicted over the next 25 years.
A tunnelled sewer will be driven 15m below the streets of Newark, big enough for a transit van, outfalling to Crankley Point STW, north of the town. New sewers and water mains will also be constructed across the town to provide the long term solution Newark requires.