Wednesday, 2nd March 2016, 7.30pm - 29th Annual Joint Institutions Prestige Lecture - The Albert Hall Conference Centre, Nottingham NG1 5AA - "Crossrail – the Story so far" – Prof Gordon Masterton

Tickets are available online at:-


Wednesday, 3rd February 2016, 7.15pm - Newark Library, Baldertongate – Joint meeting with Newark Archaeological and Local History Society - "Oil Patch Warriors" – Phil Holmes

Phil Holmes will speak on the “Oklahoma Oilmen” who operated during World War II at Dukes Wood near Eakring.

Eakring No 1 was Britain's first commercial Oil Well.  It was spudded on the 26th March 1939 and found oil at 1978 feet. By 1964 the Eakring Oil field had produced more than 47million barrels of oil, before any North Sea Oil had been discovered.
This meeting is free to members of either Society, £2.50 for visitors.