Wednesday 11th January 2012, 3.30pm - Visit – Newark & Sherwood CCTV Control Room, Kelham Hall

A visit has been arranged with Newark & Sherwood DC to view their state of the art CCTV monitoring and control centre at Kelham Hall. Numbers are limited to 15, with potential for a second tour at around 4.45pm to cater for up to 30 in total.

Names please to Graham Sinclair.

Wednesday, 7th December, 7.30pm - NSK, Northern Road, Newark - Talk – “Preparing to fly long haul for British Airways” – Adrian Cresswell

Adrian will give an illustrated talk describing the preparations a British Airways long haul pilot has to make in the hours leading up to stepping onto the aeroplane.

Sign in at the Gatehouse and follow the signs to the meeting room.