Wednesday, 29th June, 6.30 – 8.00pm Visit - Lincoln Cathedral Roof

Limited to 14 people only, and with a charge of £4.75 per person, this visit will include a tour of the roof space of the cathedral.

Attendees will see the huge timber structure and wonder how they managed to transport them from where they were cut and then lift them into position more than 700 years ago.

Names please to Graham Sinclair on 01636 702526 or

Friday, 17th June, 7.00 for 7.30pm “The Royal Oak” Car Colston

The Annual Skittles Match against the Nottingham and Derby Societies of Engineers.

Each Society is represented by a team of 10, and a buffet supper is provided at a suitable point in the proceedings, for a charge of £5.50

If you wish to be part of the team, please let the Secretary know as soon as possible.