
Members are reminded that subscriptions became due on the 1st May. Subs are £10.00. (£5 if you were over 65 on the 1st May). You may pay by cheque payable to Newark Engineering Society, or cash at the next meeting that you attend.

Wednesday, 14th July, 6.50 for 7.00pm

Visit to Staythorpe Power Station

We have arranged a site visit around the new Staythorpe Power Station. The station is a large modern gas-fired installation and is partly in operation and still partly under construction, so it will be a very interesting visit.

Wednesday, 3rd March 2010, 7.30pm

A46 Newark to Widmerpool dualling – speaker Peter Taylor – Construction Manager for Balfour Beatty

The A46 project team have kindly agreed to make a presentation on the overview of the scheme development, challenges including archaeology and ground conditions that have impacted on the design alignment.

Wednesday, 17th February 2010, 7.00 for 7.30pm

Informal Social Evening and Annual Dinner

The Society has arranged an informal dinner. This will be held at the Ferry Inn, North Muskham on 14th October, at the princely sum of £12.00 per head. A menu is included with this Newsletter.
If you would like to attend, please provide names and menu choices to the Secretary not later than 12th February.