Wednesday, 20th October, 7.15pm

Lecture – “Simple ideas that change lives forever” – Practical Action

NSK Offices, Northern Road (register at the Gate House)

Practical Action is a development charity with a difference. For over 40 years, it has been working closely with some of the world’s poorest people - using simple technology to fight poverty and transform their lives for the better.
David Hallett will start with some information about Practical Action, explain some of the technical solutions that it has developed, it's role as a repository of ideas and the leverage which it gains from its database.
He will then move onto the role that it plays in relation to sustainability and climate change A discussion about the relevance of some of these ideas to our own world will follow, bringing in some of the ideas of the charity's founder, E F Schumacher, author inter alia of "Small is Beautiful"

Wednesday 29th September, 7.15pm

Lecture – Falkirk Wheel

NSK Offices, Northern Road (register at the Gate House)

Richard Moses of Farndon, who used to work at Butterley Engineering and had a role in the design and manufacture of the Falkirk Wheel, will give an illustrated talk on the Falkirk Wheel. The parts of the Falkirk Wheel were carefully constructed and assembled, like one giant Meccano set at Butterley Engineering Steelworks in Derbyshire. The team there carefully assembled the 1,200 tonnes of steel, painstakingly fitting the pieces together to an accuracy of just 10 mm to ensure a perfect final fit.


Members are reminded that subscriptions became due on the 1st May. Subs are £10.00. (£5 if you were over 65 on the 1st May). You may pay by cheque payable to Newark Engineering Society, or cash at the next meeting that you attend.

Wednesday, 14th July, 6.50 for 7.00pm

Visit to Staythorpe Power Station

We have arranged a site visit around the new Staythorpe Power Station. The station is a large modern gas-fired installation and is partly in operation and still partly under construction, so it will be a very interesting visit.

Wednesday, 3rd March 2010, 7.30pm

A46 Newark to Widmerpool dualling – speaker Peter Taylor – Construction Manager for Balfour Beatty

The A46 project team have kindly agreed to make a presentation on the overview of the scheme development, challenges including archaeology and ground conditions that have impacted on the design alignment.

Wednesday, 17th February 2010, 7.00 for 7.30pm

Informal Social Evening and Annual Dinner

The Society has arranged an informal dinner. This will be held at the Ferry Inn, North Muskham on 14th October, at the princely sum of £12.00 per head. A menu is included with this Newsletter.
If you would like to attend, please provide names and menu choices to the Secretary not later than 12th February.

Tuesday, 2nd February 2010, 7.15pm – Millgate Museum

“A personal social history of the coal mining industry in the 1950’s” – speaker Graham Sinclair

Joint meeting with the Newark Archaeological and Local History Society
Continuing the mining theme, our own Graham Sinclair will give an illustrated presentation to the joint meeting covering his personal involvement in the mining industry as a South Yorkshire lad in the 1950’s.

Wednesday, 20th January 2010, 7.30pm – RHP Social Club, Elm Avenue

“The Development and Decline of the Nottinghamshire Mining Industry” – speaker David Amos

Coal mining is in the blood of former miner David Amos, whose father and grandfather also worked in the industry.
David worked at Annesley Colliery for 24 years and is now a historian and project manager for the Selstonia Living Heritage Project in Selston. He is carrying out a major research project into the 1984 Miner’s Strike for his MPhil degree.
David will be joining us to provide an insight into the history of the Nottinghamshire Mining Industry.